Numero Group
Various - Bound For Hell: On The Sunset Strip 2LP Box Set (color vinyl w/ booklet)
Bound for Hell is early '80s L.A. rock as it actually was: a California cataclysm of drunk and horny headbangers, dressed in sharp, shiny, leather androgyny and fire, kicking crowds in the teeth to clear the way to that one big shot.
Various - You're Not from Around Here LP (transparent vinyl)
A hobo’s bindle full of twangy tremolo, reverb-drenched revenge, and existential echo. Songs of alienation, paranoia, dark alleys, betrayal, prison, prostitution, trains, gun play, feminine betrayal, and the dusty, lonely road of self discovery.
Karate - Unsolved 2LP (cornetto vinyl)
A couple years into the new millennium and the emo scene that once had enough space for a band as brazen in their fusion of slowcore, jazz, and post-hardcore as Boston's Karate would barely be reflected in a cookie-cutter style commercialized by major lab
Valium Aggelein - Black Moon 2LP (silver vinyl)
Just as Duster’s landmark debut album Stratosphere was making its first orbit, Clay Parton, Dove Amber, and Jason Albertini tracked a largely improvised companion capsule, an ode to ’70s Kosmische - a skeletal space nap for the prozac generation
Codeine - What about the Lonely LP (color vinyl)
Direct from the mixing board at a stop on Codeine's 1993 swing through the Midwest, opening for Mazzy Star, this finds Stephen Immerwahr, John Engle and Doug Scharin running through their hits at Chicago's Lounge Ax for a crowd of chatty "120 Minutes" fan
Various - Christmas Dreamers: Yuletide Country (1960-1972) LP (color vinyl)
Daddies don’t always come home for Christmas. From the snow-covered plains of Wisconsin’s Driftless region to the palm-lined avenues of Los Angeles, the loneliness of the holidays is a universal theme, best expressed by tear-in-the-beer country music hope