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Nathaniel says of the album: “My goal is to make people have honest emotions and a real experience by listening to music in the same way that I feel, the same way that most people feel when they listen to music, that it touches them in some way”.
Twelve groundbreaking tracks that captured the very inception of emo's big band and launched a galaxy of young, earnest bands and the scenes that love them.
2024's Infinite Love Infinite Tears is a surprisingly catchy program of free jazz, richly detailed and forthright, embodying a range of emotions and circumstances that convey individuality, collectivity and hope.
Weaving blissed-out synths and unstoppable dancefloor grooves with euphoric hooks, exuberant wit, and uncommon emotional depth, Rochester, NY-based band Joywave has spent much of the past decade holding an aural mirror to society.
There's definitely a spontaneaty and a sort of a meditative quality to the music, because it was just my emotion coming through, into my hands and out through the musical instruments I chose that day, or whatever I was feeling that day.
Ships 8/16/24 - Their music unwinds with gutting emotional intensity thanks to Giannopoulos’ impressionistic lyrics and how the arrangements violently lurch from delicate to bludgeoning.