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Hip-hop's preeminent collaboration between veteran rhyme-slayers El-P and Killer Mike have gone from a whim-driven underground rap project to a worldwide sensation since the release of their 2013 debut Run The Jewels.
Legendary American musician Ry Cooder played together with the world's greatest artists, such as John Lee Hooker, The Rolling Stones, Van Morrison, Neil Young, and Eric Clapton.
Get ready for a heavyweight champion in the rap game with Tha God Fahim's "Six Ring Champ" LP! This vinyl masterpiece is packed with intense lyricism and hard-hitting beats that will leave you in awe.
Bless This Mess marks both a divergence from and deepening of Meg Remy's songbook, more at peace with her restless truths and moods. Remy taps into subtle veins of humor and heaviness, rhythm, and reverie.