Talking points for the Capitol Hill Community Performances Amendment


  • “I support the Capitol Hill Community Performances Amendment” and include:
    • Your full name and ZIP code
    • Something about who you are/what you do in the community
  • The Sidewalk Shows and other DIY “Community Performances” are not the same as a bar or restaurant, festival, or other for-profit show. Community Performances are short, public, and free. They are not part of the music industry, they are this community’s music. 


Other ideas for how to voice support

  • Community Performances are free, making them available to everyone regardless of income, age, or ability.  
  • Community Performances build social connections, which are a very powerful health indicator
  • Music has proven psychological and physiological benefits
  • The Noise Ordinance allows for large festivals that charge money and last days, but doesn’t allow for citizens that just want to have a free of charge show on their patio, porch or backyard for 2 hours on a random Sunday. Festival impacts send some neighbors out of town, but community performances happen in the time that it takes a neighbor to take a walk or get lunch. Denver’s music venues are dominated by out of town corporations with millions of dollars. They charge hundreds of dollars per ticket. If our city is going to support local music and make it available to everyone, we need to get creative.
  • Capitol Hill has a long history as an artistic community and has existing community events that are under attack. Capitol Hill needs the Community Performances amendment to help preserve its character and quality of life. 
  • The Community Performances amendment will allow Capitol Hill residents and local businesses to showcase the neighborhood’s best asset, the local music scene, and draw more visitors to the neighborhood.
  • Denver’s Noise Ordinance makes an exemption for school marching bands, but it doesn’t make one for the School of Rock, Girls Rock Denver, or any kid who picks up an electric guitar instead of a French horn. 
  • The current noise ordinance defines noise as “unwanted AND that causes or tends to cause adverse psychological or physiological effects on human beings.” However, music has been proven to have POSITIVE psychological or physiological effects on human beings.  The public health commission is acting as if music is a “noise” instead of a sound that people love and enjoy. We need this amendment to protect positive sounds! 


And of course, feel free to say it your own way. Your voice is important!