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The soundtrack to a short film, also entitled 'The Runner'. The film, written, produced, and directed by the duo, is a searching horror film, attached to a meta-style 'documentary' about Boy Harsher's recording process.
She Past Away presents the beautifully melancholic new album Disko Anksiyete. This unique act blends dark-wave with an 80's influence, post-punk era guitars with minimalist poetry in sung Turkish.
On 'Slow Dazzle', Cale sounds like a jaded Brian Ferry whose syrupy croon is sliding downhill into a Sadian croak, a perfect fit for the songs of loss, betrayal and emotional damage gathered here.
Though not the earliest entry in the genre (which Eno makes no claim to have invented), ‘Ambient 1 (Music For Airports)’ was the first album ever to be explicitly labelled ‘ambient music’.